Striking Elevations in Aminotransferases in a Case of Congestive Hepatopathy Without Concurrent Hypotension

Kyle N. Kaneko, Unity Health
Zacharie D. Finneman, Unity Health
Phillip M. Avila, Unity Health
Jayton A. Lim, Unity Health
Suporn Sukpraprut-Braaten, Kansas City University


Congestive hepatopathy results from passive venous congestion often in the setting of right heart failure. Injury to the liver due to congestion is often asymptomatic and may be difficult to recognize and diagnose. The degree of elevations in aminotransferases varies in cases of congestive hepatopathy but usually stays within two to three times the upper limit of normal. Here, we report an interesting case of congestive hepatopathy that presented with striking elevations of aminotransferases in the 2000s international units/liter a few days after admission without concurrent hypotension.