Most Recent Additions*


Differing Effects of Alcohol Use on Epigenetic and Brain Age in Adult Children of Parents with Alcohol Use Disorder
Jamie L. Scholl, Kami Pearson, Kelene Fercho, Austin J. Van Asselt, Noah A. Kallsen, Erik A. Ehli, Kari N. Potter, Kathleen A. Brown-Rice, Gina L. Forster, and Lee A. Baugh


Staff and Providers' Perceptions of Patients' PrEP Candidacy, Acceptability, and Adherence in Methadone Clinic Settings
Jessica Jaiswal, Benjamin Grin, Kelly Gagnon, Tejossy John, Suzan Walters, Marybec Griffin, and Emma Kay


Use of Sea Buckthorn Oil in the Treatment of Skin Disease: Anti-Inflammatory Benefits, Clinical Applications, and Formulary Challenges
Evadne Rodriguez, Justin Flores, Kathleen Click, Vivian Li, Alexandra Loperfito, Marissa Ruppe, and Kelly M. Frasier


Corynebacterium minutissimum as a Rare Cause of Tibial Osteomyelitis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Ayub Ansari, Dania Shoaib, Maher Asfour, Xiyue Wang, and Pooja Sharma


Long-term Urinary and Sexual Outcomes in Pediatric Genitourinary Rhabdomyosarcoma Survivors: A Qualitative Study
Rachel A. Saunders, Andrea K. Balthazar, Christopher D. Jaeger, Monah Javidan-Nejad, Candace Y. Chung, Judith A. Vessey, Richard S. Lee, and Hsin-Hsiao Scott Wang


Illuminating the Use of Photodynamic Therapy in Urologic Oncology
Gabrielle R. Yankelevich, Kale Moreland, Makayla M. Swancutt, and Robert L. Grubb


Pneumonia and Anemia in Rural Midwestern Missouri: A Retrospective Analysis
Jenna Watts, Morgan Stewart, Tyler Stone, Shelby Mertz, John Paulson, Nova Beyersdorfer, and Kerry Johnson


Dermatologic Data From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 and the PatientsLikeMe Online Support Community: Comparative Analysis
Mindy D. Szeto, Lina Alhanshali, Chandler Rundle, Madeline J. Adelman, Michelle Hook Sobotka, Emily Woolhiser, Jieying Wu, Colby L. Presley, Jalal Maghfour, John Meisenheimer, Jaclyn B. Anderson, and Robert P. Dellavalle


Evaluating the Diagnostic Accuracy of Reduced Lead Paediatric Electrocardiograms
Megan Carroll Damera, Ryan Centanni, Ashley Sherman, Jessica Kline, Christopher W. Follansbee, Philip M. Chang, and Lindsey Malloy-Walton


Pattern Recognition of Airway Management Barriers and Associated Troubleshooting Methods
Andrew Pirotte, Vivek Panchananam, Matthew Finley, Austin Petz, Tyler Johnson, John Horky, Jack Gorham, Braden Best, Daniela Salazar, Lucas Pitts, Caleb Grot, and Dan Knolla


Assessing the Completeness of Patient-reported Outcomes Reporting in Congestive Heart Failure Clinical Trials
Drayton Rorah, Jonathan Pollard, Corbin Walters, Will Roberts, Micah Hartwell, Christian Hemmerich, and Matt Vassar


What is a DO?
Kansas City University


Score 1 for Health Fact Sheet
Kansas City University


Pandemic-Related Stress Increases PTSD and Depression Risk in Traumatic Injury Patients: A Comparative Study of Pre- and Peri-Pandemic Trauma Cases
Juan Pablo Zapata, Carissa W. Tomas, Sydney Timmer-Murillo, Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Christine Larson, Lucas Torres, Amber Brandolino, Timothy Geier, Hason Khan, and Andrew T. Schramm


Anemia is a Disease, Not a Number
Shane C. Coy and Matthew A. Warner

*Updated as of 03/25/25.