
Composite photograph of the founders and first Board of Control of the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery. Pictured are President, George J. Conley, M.D., D.O., Vice-President, Joseph Swart, D.O., Secretary, A.A. Kaiser, D.O., Treasurer, Effe M. Messick, D.O., J. L. Lowe, D.O., Bertha R. Wilson, D.O., L.R. Livingston, D.O., Elbert A. Tice, D.O., Harriett Crawford, D.O., S.W. Longan, D.O., J.W. Parker, D.O., and Hanna E. Leinbach, D.O. Previously the twelve osteopathic physicians had been on the faculty of the Central College of Osteopathy in Kansas City and left that institution to found a non-profit college of osteopathy.
osteopathic medicine, medical education