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Missouri Medicine
Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) is a relatively new one-step refractive procedure that has recently been approved by the FDA for the treatment of myopia. It is anticipated myopic astigmatism will be FDA-approved in 2019. The SMILE procedure is shown to have similar efficacy, safety, predictability, and stability as current surgical options, such as LASIK, but has been gaining popularity due to fewer potential complications, such as dry eye incidence and greater biomechanical stability, and faster recovery time. This article discusses the SMILE procedure, its benefits, risks, uncertainties, and potential future in the world of refractive surgery.
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Doane JF, Cauble JE, Rickstrew JJ, Tuckfield JQ. Small Incision Lenticule Extraction SMILE - The Future of Refractive Surgery is Here. Missouri Medicine. 2018; 115(1).