Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Pediatric Long-COVID Headache: A Case Report

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International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine



SARS-CoV-2 is a disease with global impact, and in the United States alone, approximately 20 % of children have had SARS-CoV-2. Long-COVID affects a significant number of children and adults with an incidence reported as high as 57 % for a SARS-CoV-2 sequelae. Currently, a gold standard treatment has not been identified for long-COVID. There have been pathologic mechanisms of action proposed for long-COVID, but this is complicated by the wide variety of symptom manifestations.


The goal of this case report is to demonstrate and discuss the application of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) and osteopathic principles and practices (OPP) in a patient with long-COVID headache.

Clinical features

In our case report we describe a child with long-COVID headache of 12-months duration with high somatic dysfunction burden found on cranial osteopathic structural examination.

Intervention and outcomes

OMT was utilized to treat a patient with long-COVID headache and may have resulted in its resolution.


This case suggests that OMT and OPP may play a role in the treatment of patients with long-COVID headache.

Implications for practice

  • Our case report highlights OPP as a potential treatment option that may be complimentary to other treatments for pediatric patients experiencing long-COVID headache.
  • Our case report emphasizes the significance of individualized treatment plans, as osteopaths provide in a tailored fashion to each patient based upon their unique history and physical exam findings.
  • Our case report utilizing OMT promotes a non-pharmacological intervention and fosters opportunities for interprofessional collaboration.
  • Our case report sparks interest in further research and clinical trials to investigate the efficacy of OMT in pediatric long-COVID cases and its potential application in a broader range of post-viral syndromes.



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