The purpose of the Faculty Publications collection is to preserve and share the scholarship of the Kansas City University community. Here we showcase research done by current and former staff and faculty members while employed by KCU.

All content included in these collections complies with U.S. copyright law. Work that was published under Open Access policies are shared here as allowed. Publications that we do not have permission to share in full are linked.

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Submissions from 2015


Addressing Obesity With Pediatric Patients and Their Families in a Primary Care Office, Carlene A. Mayfield and Richard Suminski


Biomechanical Implications of Intraspecific Shape Variation in Chimpanzee Crania: Moving Toward an Integration of Geometric Morphometrics and Finite Element Analysis, Amanda L. Smith, Stefano Benazzi, Justin A. Ledogar, Kelli Tamvada, Leslie C. Pryor Smith, Gerhard W. Weber, Mark A. Spencer, Paul C. Dechow, Ian R. Grosse, Callum F. Ross, Brian G. Richmond, Barth Wright, Qian Wang, Dennis E. Slice, and David S. Strait


Concussion and Trauma in Young Athletes: Prevention, Treatment, and Return-to-Play, Rance McClain


Does the Gut Drive Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Progress?, Jingsong Zhou and Jun Sun


Influence of Myeloperoxidase on Colon Tumor Occurrence in Inflamed Versus Non-Inflamed Colons of Apc(Min/+) Mice, Mazin Al-Salihi, Ethan Reichert, and Frank A. Fitzpatrick


Kinetics of Bipedal Locomotion During Load Carrying in Capuchin Monkeys, Jandy B. Hanna, Daniel Schmitt, Kristin A. Wright, Yonat Eshchar, Elisabetta Visalberghi, and Dorothy M. Fragaszy


Leaky Intestine and Impaired Microbiome in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mouse Model, Shaoping Wu, Jianxun Yi, Yong-Guo Zhang, Jingsong Zhou, and Jun Sun


Loop Diuretics for Patients Receiving Blood Transfusions, Michael Sarai and Aaron M. Tejani


Low Birth Weight in Kansas, V. James Guillory, Sue Min Lai, Richard Suminski, and G. Crawford


Managing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents, Elizabeth McClain and Erin Jewell Burks


Muscle-Bone Crosstalk in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Jingsong Zhou, Jianxun Yi, and Lynda Bonewald


Pediatric Asthma for the Primary Care Practitioner, Anne M. VanGarsse, Richard D. Magie, and Aubree Bruhnding


Perceived Neighborhood Size: Implications for Physical Activity–Environment Research, Richard Suminski, Katie Heinrich, Jason A. Wasserman, and Rafia S. Rasu


Pertinent Anatomy and Analysis for Midface Volumizing Procedures, Christopher C. Surek, Javier Beut, Robert Stephens, Glenn Jelks, and Jerome Lamb


Playground Safety is Associated With Playground, Park, and Neighborhood Characteristics, Richard Suminski, Terry Presley, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, Elizabeth McClain, and Mariah Johnson


Primary Care for School-Aged Children, Elizabeth McClain


Quantification of the Distal Radial Artery for Improved Vascular Access, Erich Wessel, Kara Hessel, Alan Glaros, and Anthony Olinger


Suppressed Autophagy Flux in Skeletal Muscle of an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mouse Model During Disease Progression, Yajuan Xiao, Changling Ma, Jianxun Yi, Shaoping Wu, Guo Luo, Xiulong Xu, Peihui Lin, Jun Sun, and Jingsong Zhou


The Effects of Ecology and Evolutionary History on Robust Capuchin Morphological Diversity, Kristin A. Wright, Barth Wright, Susan M. Ford, Dorothy M. Fragaszy, Patricia Izar, Marilyn Norconk, Thomas Masterson, David G. Hobbs, Michael E. Alfaro, and Jessica W. Lynch Alfaro


The Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection on the Expression of the Drug Efflux Proteins P-glycoprotein and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein in a Human Intestine Model, Kelstan Ellis, Jerry Marlin, Tracey A.H. Taylor, Sylvia Fitting, Kurt F. Hauser, Greg D. Rice, and MaryPeace McRae


The Feeding Biomechanics and Dietary Ecology of Paranthropus boisei, Amanda L. Smith, Stefano Benazzi, Justin A. Ledogar, Kelli Tamvada, Leslie C. Pryor Smith, Gerhard W. Weber, Mark A. Spencer, Peter W. Lucas, Shaji Michael, Ali Shekeban, Khaled Al-Fadhalah, Abdulwahab S. Almusallam, Paul C. Dechow, Ian R. Grosse, Callum F. Ross, Richard H. Madden, Brian G. Richmond, Barth Wright, Qian Wang, Craig Byron, Dennis E. Slice, Sarah Wood, Christine Dzialo, Michael A. Berthaume, Adam van Casteren, and David S. Strait


Tight Junction CLDN2 Gene is a Direct Target of the Vitamin D Receptor, Yong-Guo Zhang, Shaoping Wu, Rong Lu, David Zhou, Jingsong Zhou, Geert Carmeliet, Elaine Petrof, Erika C. Claud, and Jun Sun


Volumizing Viaducts of the Midface: Defining the Beut Techniques, Christopher C. Surek, Javier Beut, Robert Stephens, Jerome Lamb, and Glenn Jelks


Walking During Leisure-Time in Relation to Perceived Neighborhoods, Richard Suminski, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, Arthur Kheyfets, and Jared Norman

Submissions from 2014


A Cell-Based High-Throughput Screen for Novel Chemical Inducers of Fetal Hemoglobin for Treatment of Hemoglobinopathies, Kenneth R. Peterson, Flávia C. Costa, Halyna Fedosyuk, Renee Y. Neades, Allen M. Chazelle, Lesya Zelenchuk, Andrea H. Fonteles, Parmita Dalal, Anuradha Roy, Rathnam Chaguturu, Biaoru Li, and Betty S. Pace


Aerobic Exercise During Pregnancy Influences Infant Heart Rate Variability at One Month of Age, Linda E. May, Susan A. Scholtz, Richard Suminski, and Kathleen M. Gustafson


A Longitudinal Study of Emotional Intelligence Training for Otolaryngology Residents and Faculty, James W. Dugan, Robert A. Weatherly, Douglas A. Girod, Carolyn E. Barber, and Terry T. Tsue


A Multi-Level Analysis Showing Associations Between School Neighborhood and Child Body Mass Index, Jason A. Wasserman, Richard Suminski, J. Xi, Carlene A. Mayfield, Alan Glaros, and Richard D. Magie


Anatomic Description of the Middle Meatus and Classification of the Hiatus Semilunaris Into Five Types Based Upon Morphological Characteristics, Kelly Dahlstrom and Anthony Olinger


A Retrospective Study of the Association Between Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy and Glaucoma, Greg D. Rice, Kristin A. Wright, and Steven M. Silverstein


A Review of Rapid-Onset Opioids for Breakthrough Pain in Patients with Cancer, Steven M. Simon and Lee S. Schwartzberg


Assessing Research Competency in a Medical School Environment, Linda R. Adkison and Alan Glaros


Bicycling Policy Indirectly Associated With Overweight/Obesity, Richard Suminski, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, Emily Freeman, and Rachel Brandl


Community Development Corporations Could Potentially Improve Research on Causal Associations Between Environmental Features and Physical Activity, Richard Suminski, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, Micah Kubic, and Julie Porter


Development of a Longitudinal Database for an Integrated Curriculum, Linda R. Adkison, David L. Lockwood, Andrea Hanson, and Alan Glaros


Early Prediction of Medical Student Performance on Initial Licensing Examinations, Alan Glaros, Andrea Hanson, and Linda R. Adkison


Effects of Gangliosides on the Activity of the Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase, Lei Jiang, Misty D. Bechtel, Jennifer L. Bean, Robert Winefield, Todd D. Williams, Asma Zaidi, Elias K. Michaelis, and Mary L. Michaelis


Graduate Medical Education: The Authors Reply, Stephen C. Shannon, Boyd R. Buser, and Marc Hahn


Headache and Oral Parafunctional Behaviors, Alan Glaros, Anne H. Hanson, and Chris C. Ryen


Injury Profile of Mixed Martial Arts Competitors, Rance McClain, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, Andrew C. Berry, Greg Grenier, and Richard Suminski


Maternal Physical Activity Mode and Fetal Heart Outcome, Linda E. May, Richard Suminski, Andrew C. Berry, Michelle D. Langaker, and Kathleen M. Gustafson


Nonmedical Use of Stimulants Among Medical Students, Jason A. Wasserman, Jennifer E. Fitzgerald, Merlin A. Sunny, Maria Cole, Richard Suminski, and John J. Dougherty


Reply: In Response to Injury Profile of Mixed Martial Arts Competitors, Rance McClain, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, Andrew C. Berry, Greg Grenier, and Richard Suminski


Somatic Dysfunction and Use of Osteopathic Manual Treatment Techniques During Ambulatory Medical Care Visits: A CONCORD-PBRN Study, John C. Licciardone, Cathleen M. Kearns, Hollis H. King, Michael A. Seffinger, W. Thomas Crow, Peter Zajac, William H. Devine, Reem Y. Abu-Sbaih, Stephen J. Miller, Murray R. Berkowitz, Robin Dyer, Deborah M. Heath, Kevin Treffer, Natalie Nevins, and Subhash Aryal


The Integration of the “Spirituality in Medicine” Curriculum Into the Osteopathic Communication Curriculum at Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, Jan Talley and Richard D. Magie


The Sinhala Version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale: Validation and Establishment of the Factor Structure in Pain Patients and Healthy Adults, Ranjith W. Pallegama, Anura Ariyawardana, Ajith Ranasinghe, Mohaideen Sitheeque, Alan Glaros, Wasantha P. Dissanayake, Kapila S. Idirimanna, and Ruwan D. Jayasinghe


Wikipedia: Proceed With Caution, Lori A. Fitterling

Submissions from 2013


A New Pathway for Medical Education, Stephen C. Shannon, Boyd R. Buser, Marc Hahn, John B. Crosby, Tyler Cymet, Joshua S. Mintz, and Karen J. Nichols


Attitude Toward Euthanasia Scale: Psychometric Properties and Relations With Religious Orientation, Personality, and Life Satisfaction, Naser Aghababaei and Jason A. Wasserman


Autonomic Dysregulation in Headache Patients, Jason J. Gass and Alan Glaros


Bruxism Defined and Graded: An International Consensus, Frank Lobbezoo, Jari Ahlberg, Alan Glaros, Takafumi Kato, Kiyoshidds Koyano, Gilles J. Levigne, Reny de Leeuw, Daniele Manfredini, Peter Svensson, and Ephraim Wincour


Development of a Quality-Assessment Tool for Experimental Bruxism Studies: Reliability and Validity, Andreas Dawson, Karen G. Raphael, Alan Glaros, Susanna Axelsson, Taro Arima, Malin Ernberg, Mauro Farella, Frank Lobbezoo, Daniele Manfredini, Ambra Michelotti, Peter Svensson, and Thomas List


Examining Body Mass Index in an Urban Core Population: From Health Screening to Physician Visit, Kaitlin Ann O'Connor, Julie Marie Sahrmann, Richard D. Magie, and Larry Segars


Exercise During Pregnancy: The Role of Obstetric Providers, Linda E. May, Richard Suminski, Emily R. Linklater, Sara Jahnke, and Alan Glaros


From Simulators to Tablet Technology: KCUMB Leaps into the Future, Marc Hahn


Impact of Reflective Learning on Physicians’ Attitudes and Care, Peter John Carek, William Geiger, Maurice W. Oelklaus, Wes James, and Ann M. Karty


Implementation of a Professional Enrichment Program to Enhance Medical School Experience, Linda R. Adkison and Andrea Hanson


Inspiration Closure Reflex: The Effect of Respiration on Intrinsic Sphincters, W. Robert Addington, Robert Stephens, Stuart P. Miller, and Robin R. Ockey


Ocular Problems in Low-Income and Minority Children, Daniel J. Frick, Scott E. Olitsky, Annette Campbell, and Alan Glaros


Outcomes from an Urban Pediatric Obesity Program Targeting Minority Youth: The Healthy Hawks Program, Ann M. Davis, Marina C. Daldalian, Carlene A. Mayfield, Kelsey Dean, William R. Black, Marilyn L. Sampilo, Martha Gonzalez-Mijares, and Richard Suminski


Prescribing Trends for Management of Congestive Heart Failure From 2002 to 2004, Tonya Crawford, Larry Segars, and Rafia S. Rasu


Relations Between Perceptions of Environmental Features and Physical Activity, Richard Suminski, Jason A. Wasserman, Carlene A. Mayfield, and Lisa McClain


Role of Extracellular GAPDH in Streptococcus Pyogenes Virulence, Kirsten A. Seidler and Norbert W. Seidler


Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of KP-1461 as Monotherapy for 124 Days in Antiretroviral-Experienced, HIV Type 1-Infected Subjects, Charles Hicks, Patrick Clay, Robert Redfield, Jay Lalezari, Ralph Liporace, Stefan Schneider, Michael Sension, MaryPeace McRae, and Jean-Pierre Laurent


Smaller Insertion Area and Inefficient Mechanics of the Gluteus Medius in Females, Dustin Woyski, Anthony Olinger, and Barth Wright


The Insufficiency of Fairness: The Logics of Homeless Service Administration and Resulting Gaps in Service, Jason A. Wasserman and Jeffrey Michael Clair


Viewpoints: Diet and Dietary Adaptations in Early Hominins: The Hard Food Perspective, David S. Strait, Paul Constantino, Peter W. Lucas, Brian G. Richmond, Mark A. Spencer, Paul C. Dechow, Callum F. Ross, Ian R. Grosse, Barth Wright, Bernard A. Wood, Gerhard W. Weber, Qian Wang, Craig Byron, Dennis E. Slice, Janine Chalk, Amanda L. Smith, Leslie C. Smith, Sarah Wood, Michael A. Berthaume, Stefano Benazzi, Christine Dzialo, Kelli Tamvada, and Justin A. Ledogar


Wild Bearded Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) Strategically Place Nuts in a Stable Position During Nut-Cracking, Dorothy M. Fragaszy, Qing Liu, Barth Wright, Angellica Allen, Callie Welch Brown, and Elisabetta Visalberghi

Submissions from 2012


A Possible Relationship Between Reliability of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Diagnostic Testing and the Position of the Axillary Artery, Anthony Olinger, William Borman, and Brion Benninger


Bariatric Surgery: Lindsey G's Story, Jaclyn E. Allred and Gautam Desai


Benign Intracranial Hypertension: A Diagnostic Dilemma, Gary Y. Shaw and Stephanie K. Million


Bibliometric Measures and National Institutes of Health Funding at Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, 2006-2010, Richard Suminski, Dean Hendrix, Linda E. May, Jason A. Wasserman, and V. James Guillory


Calpain-1 Knockout Reveals Broad Effects on Erythrocyte Deformability and Physiology, Adam Wieschhaus, Anwar Khan, Asma Zaidi, Henry Rogalin, Toshihiko Hanada, Fei Liu, Lucia De Franceschi, Carlo Brugnara, Alicia Rivera, and Athar H. Chishti


Cervical Spine Bending: A Factor Confounding Whole Trunk and Lumbar Forward Bending Range of Motion, William J. Brooks, Michael M. Patterson, Ethan Wagner, and Patrick Hardigan


Descriptive Anatomy of the Interscalene Triangle and the Costoclavicular Space and Their Relationship to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: A Study of 60 Cadavers, Kelly Dahlstrom and Anthony Olinger


Establishing the Content Validity of Palpatory Examination for the Assessment of the Lumbar Spine Using Ultrasonography: A Pilot Study, K. Aaron Shaw, John J. Dougherty, Kevin Treffer, and Alan Glaros


Fetal Cardiac Autonomic Control During Breathing and Non-Breathing Epochs: The Effect of Maternal Exercise, Kathleen M. Gustafson, Linda E. May, Hung-Wen Yeh, Stephanie K. Million, and John J.B. Allen


GAPDH: Biological Properties and Diversity, Norbert W. Seidler


Mi2β Is Required for γ-Globin Gene Silencing: Temporal Assembly of a GATA-1-FOG-1-Mi2 Repressor Complex in β-YAC Transgenic Mice, Flávia C. Costa, Halyna Fedosyuk, Allen M. Chazelle, Renee Y. Neades, and Kenneth R. Peterson


Microwear, Mechanics and the Feeding Adaptations of Australopithecus Africanus, David S. Strait, Gerhard W. Weber, Paul Constantino, Peter W. Lucas, Brian G. Richmond, Mark A. Spencer, Paul C. Dechow, Callum F. Ross, Ian R. Grosse, Barth Wright, Bernard A. Wood, Qian Wang, Craig Byron, and Dennis E. Slice


Neuronal Protection by a Variant of GAPDH Pseudogene P44 in AD, Sara O. Mason, Christopher S. Theisen, and Norbert W. Seidler


Park Quality in Racial/Ethnic Minority Neighborhoods, Richard Suminski, Erin Connolly, Linda E. May, Jason A. Wasserman, Norma Olvera, and Rebecca Lee


Posterior Intercostal Artery Tortuosity and Collateral Branch Points: A Cadaveric Study, Eric Shurtleff and Anthony Olinger


Protection Against Protein Aggregation by Alpha-Crystallin as a Mechanism of Preconditioning, Jonathan E. Ferns, Christopher S. Theisen, Eugene E. Fibuch, and Norbert W. Seidler


Psoas Syndrome: A Frequently Missed Diagnosis, Andrea Tufo, Gautam Desai, and W. Joshua Cox


Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids are Associated With Depression in a Case-Control Study of Adolescents, James V. Pottala, Jan Talley, Steve Churchill, Daryl Lynch, Clemens von Schacky, and William S. Harris


Regular Maternal Exercise Dose and Fetal Heart Outcome, Linda E. May, Richard Suminski, Michelle D. Langaker, Hung-Wen Yeh, and Kathleen M. Gustafson


Relationships Between the Diet and Dentition of Asian Leaf Monkeys, Barth Wright and Mary S. Willis


Research From the Bedside to the Lab Bench & Back, Robert A. White, Michael Silvey, and Derek P. Logsdon


Research Funding at Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine in the United States, Richard Suminski, Linda E. May, and V. James Guillory


Small Business Support of Youth Physical Activity Opportunities, Richard Suminski and Ding Ding


The Effect of Dietary Adaption on Cranial Morphological Integration in Capuchins (Order Primates, Genus Cebus), Jana Makedonska


The “Homeless Problem” and the Double Consciousness, Jason A. Wasserman, Jeffrey Michael Clair, and Chelsea Platt


The Phoenix Physician: Defining a Pathway Toward Leadership in Patient-Centered Care, Robert G. Good, John B. Bulger, Robert T. Hasty, Kevin P. Hubbard, Elliott R. Schwartz, John R. Sutton, Monte E. Troutman, and Donald S. Nelinson


The Religious Person Revisited: Cross-Cultural Evidence From the HEXACO Model of Personality Structure, Naser Aghababaei, Jason A. Wasserman, and Drew Nannini


The Role of the Sutures in Biomechanical Dynamic Simulation of a Macaque Cranial Finite Element Model: Implications for the Evolution of Craniofacial Form, Qian Wang, Sarah Wood, Ian R. Grosse, Callum F. Ross, Uriel Zapata, Craig Byron, Barth Wright, and David S. Strait


Tooth Contact Versus Clenching: Oral Parafunctions and Facial Pain, Alan Glaros and Karen Williams


Ulcerated Plaques in the Pelvic Region of an Adult Female, Benjamin Barrick, Brian Matthys, and Garth R. Fraga


Use of a Structured Template to Facilitate Practice-Based Learning and Improvement Projects, Elizabeth McClain, Stewart F. Babbott, Terance T. Tsue, Douglas A. Girod, Debora Clements, Lisa Gilmer, Diane Persons, and Greg Unruh

Submissions from 2011


A Finite Element Analysis of Masticatory Stress Hypotheses, Janine Chalk, Brian G. Richmond, Callum F. Ross, David S. Strait, Barth Wright, Mark A. Spencer, Qian Wang, and Paul C. Dechow